Gypsum products manufacturing

Skygrad is the only Russian manufacturer of gypsum products for construction purposes and rare earth concentrate from phosphogypsum, a large-tonnage waste product from the production of mineral fertilizers.

Комплексная переработка фосфогипса

Skygrad has developed a technology for the complex processing of phosphogypsum, a large-tonnage waste product from the production of mineral fertilizers, to produce gypsum products for construction purposes and rare earth concentrate. The technology has been implemented on a pilot industrial scale. The technology allows for the production of phosphogypsum purified from impurities in the form of granules.

With the support of the FRP, a new plant for processing phosphogypsum and producing artificial gypsum stone and other products from artificial gypsum on an industrial scale is being launched.

The new production is based on unique technological and design solutions developed by Skygrad (patents No. 2487834, 2689631, 2770118, 2802843, application No. 2023121425)

Granulated phosphogypsum

Artificial gypsum stone

Natural gypsum stone
(natural raw materials)

Natural equal materials
(Granulated phosphogypsum)

Advantages of artificial gypsum stone, as well as products obtained from artificial gypsum:

  1. High chemical purity (artificial gypsum stone undergoes several stages of purification and strict control over the content of impurities): calcium sulfate content of 95-97%
  2. Stable homogeneity of structure, ideal whiteness and absence of variations in composition and quality from batch to batch.
  3. Absence of the possibility of inclusions leading to defects in building materials